Google Font API vs Socital details

Google Font API Socital
Meta description High-quality fonts to use on your web site. ... Developer API. Create dynamic apps by querying Google Fonts to get an accurate list of the families currently ...
Total websites 5,825,575 318
Total websites in alexa top 1M 55,073 22
Popular countries United States, United Kingdom, India, Brazil, Russia Greece, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia
Popular technologies Google Font API, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, WordPress Socital, Open Graph, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, HTTP/3
Popular couriers UPS, DHL, USPS DHL, UPS, Royal Mail
Popular payment providers PayPal, VISA, MasterCard PayPal, American Express, MasterCard
Popular categories , Clothing & Accessories, Home & Garden , Clothing & Accessories, Home & Garden

Google Font API vs Socital alexa rank distribution

# 1 - 10K 1 - 100K 1 - 500K 1 - 1M 1 - 3M
Google Font API websites count 132 2,806 23,997 55,073 118,611
Socital websites count 0 1 8 22 43

Google Font API comparisons

Socital comparisons