Restaumatic vs Shopware details

Restaumatic Shopware
Meta description Shopware is the ideal solution for meeting the changing demands of ecommerce, giving you the freedom to ...
Total websites 3,893 31,017
Total websites in alexa top 1M 2 613
Popular countries Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia, Czech Republic Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, United States
Popular technologies Ahoy, Google Font API, MobX, Open Graph, Restaumatic MySQL, PHP, Shopware, Symfony, jQuery
Popular couriers DHL, JNE, Speedy DHL, DPD, UPS
Popular payment providers PayPro, DotPay, VISA PayPal, Klarna, MasterCard
Popular categories , Food, Business & Industrial , Home & Garden, Clothing & Accessories

Restaumatic vs Shopware alexa rank distribution

# 1 - 10K 1 - 100K 1 - 500K 1 - 1M 1 - 3M
Restaumatic websites count 0 0 1 2 5
Shopware websites count 0 13 235 613 805

Restaumatic comparisons

Shopware comparisons