Polyfill vs Priority Hints details

Polyfill Priority Hints
Meta description Oct 8, 2010 - A polyfill, or polyfiller, is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively. Flattening the API landscape if you will.
Total websites 7,599 5,481,924
Total websites in alexa top 1M 173 52,194
Popular countries United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, Italy United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia
Popular technologies Polyfill, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Google Font API Priority Hints, Open Graph, jQuery, HTTP/3, Google Font API
Popular couriers DHL, UPS, DPD UPS, DHL, USPS
Popular payment providers PayPal, VISA, MasterCard PayPal, American Express, Apple Pay
Popular categories , Home & Garden, Food , Clothing & Accessories, Health & Beauty

Polyfill vs Priority Hints alexa rank distribution

# 1 - 10K 1 - 100K 1 - 500K 1 - 1M 1 - 3M
Polyfill websites count 0 15 80 173 338
Priority Hints websites count 201 2,714 22,926 52,194 109,630

Polyfill comparisons

Priority Hints comparisons