JTL Shop details

Meta description The free enterprise resource planning system JTL-Wawi, the online shop system JTL Shop3 and seamless Ebay and Amazon links offer diverse opportunities for ...
Total websites 14,993 (get leads)
Total websites in alexa top 1M 299
Popular countries Germany, Switzerland, Austria, United States, Ireland
Popular technologies jQuery, JTL Shop, Bootstrap, Open Graph, RSS
Popular couriers DHL, DPD, GLS
Popular payment providers PayPal, Klarna, Amazon Pay
Popular categories Home & Garden, Hardware, Electronics

Top retailers using JTL Shop

Discover the top retailers who have chosen JTL Shop as their e-commerce platform. Our list provides valuable insights into the most successful JTL Shop - powered e-commerce websites, including their Alexa rank and monthly traffic data.

Website Monthly visitors Alexa Rank
expresszuschnitt.de 1,509,984 72,445
vape.ch 1,501,633 72,702
r2-bike.com 1,291,545 84,427
mtp-racing.de 982,025 110,796
supermarkt24h.de 981,426 110,863
lawi-sport.de 979,495 111,278
fantasywelt.de 938,622 115,919
waldispizza.de 930,942 116,826
weldinger.de 884,328 122,934
bb-verpackungsshop.de 844,577 128,673
See all websites using JTL Shop

JTL Shop trends on ShopRank

Our reports include detailed data on the number of new websites that join JTL Shop each month, as well as the number of websites that leave the platform. By tracking these numbers over time, we can identify trends in growth and attrition rates, and provide our users with a comprehensive understanding of JTL Shop current and historical performance.

Month New websites Lost websites
2024-12 0 0
2024-11 0 0
2024-10 0 0
2024-09 19 9
2024-08 71 23
2024-07 0 0
2024-06 0 0
2024-05 14 6
2024-04 19 4
2024-03 0 0
2024-02 0 0
2024-01 0 0

Retailers using JTL Shop by country

At ShopRank, we provide a comprehensive list of retailers using JTL Shop by country, which includes the total number of websites using JTL Shop in each country.
Each country is accompanied by the total number of websites using JTL Shop in that region, providing you with a clear picture of JTL Shop popularity in each location. Additionally, we provide a link to leads for each country, allowing you to easily access a list of businesses using JTL Shop in that region.

Country Websites Leads
Germany 11,544 Websites in Germany
Switzerland 589 Websites in Switzerland
Austria 550 Websites in Austria
United States 525 Websites in United States
Ireland 310 Websites in Ireland
Italy 161 Websites in Italy
United Kingdom 118 Websites in United Kingdom
France 82 Websites in France
Portugal 71 Websites in Portugal
Netherlands 51 Websites in Netherlands
China 33 Websites in China
Japan 33 Websites in Japan
Slovakia 32 Websites in Slovakia
Spain 32 Websites in Spain
Russia 29 Websites in Russia

JTL Shop movement

This paragraph displays which competitors are losing and gaining customers to Shopify.

JTL Shop comparisons

Page that provides information on how JTL Shop stacks up against its competitors